La logística que viene: la sostenibilidad como eje
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En los últimos años, especialmente con el empujón recibido por la Covid-19, la logística no ha dejado de crecer. Pero este crecimiento lleva aparejado una responsabilidad, con el medio ambiente y los entornos urbanos.
La logística sostenible pretender reducir la huella que deja, eliminando emisiones de CO2, además de la reducción de ruidos y accidentes. Es importante que en este senido, los proveedores logísticos puedan encontrar un equilibril entre su crecimiento económico y el cuidado del medio ambiente.
Gracias al esfuerzo que las empresas del sector están realizando en el último año, la logística ha contribuido a reducir en gran medida las emsiiones de dióxido de carbono, con vehículos eléctricos o de gas, además de incorporar las bicicletas y triciclos de carga en la distribución de última milla.
Beneficios de incorporarse a la Logística Sostenible
1. Reducción de emisiones
Teniendo en cuenta que la industria del transporte incluye el envío de bienes de un lugar a otro, la responsabilidad básica de reducir las emisiones de carbono
Since the transportation industry involves the shipment of goods from one location to another, the basic responsibility of reducing carbon emissions takes priority. Many vehicles run on fossil fuels; however, implementing a “green” solution to today’s fleet could mean the difference between a low and high carbon footprint for your company.
Today’s transportation industry experts understand how each mile of travel represents additional emissions into the atmosphere. By reducing the overall number of miles driven, the total amount of noxious gasses released is reduced. Consequentially, the company can benefit from not having to pay excess fines or penalties for violations of environmental regulations, which depend on the location of the respective shipper.
Furthermore, streamlining transportation options through high-efficiency means, such as ocean transportation or transportation in electric vehicles, enables a shipper to create an effective, sustainable solution to transport many goods across great distances.
2. Reducción de los desperdicios
Cuando pensamos en los precios del transporte, el principal precio se refleja en los gastos en combustible. Sin embargo, cada vehículo contiene miles de piezas, litros de combustible, y al menos dos ruedas, las cuales están destinadas a desgastarse con el tiempo. Cada uno de estos elementos tiene una esperanza de vida finita, y la ineficacia de los transportes tan solo llevará a desgastar estas cosas a un mayor ritmo. Desgraciadamente, esto representa la pérdida de sostenibilidad en la compañía de transporte.
Por ejemplo, condicuir con un cambión vacío de un destino a otro crea muchas formas de desperdicio. La esperanza de vida de todos estos materiales que tiene el vehículo se reducen a la mitad inmediatamente sin ningún beneficio para la compañía. Esto sin tener en cuenta las emisiones. Cada movimiento cuesta dinero. Y algunos de estos costes ni siquiera son responsabilidad de la compañía, como el daño a las carreteras. Sin embargo, cada acción consecuente, como la reparación de las carreteras, resulta en energía adicional .
For example, driving with an empty truck from a destination to a distribution center in another state creates many forms of waste. The life expectancy of all of the materials in the vehicle are cut in half immediately without any benefit to the company. This does not even take into account emissions nor wear on national roadways. Every movement costs money, and some of these costs are not even the responsibility of the company, such as damage to roadways. However, each consequential action, such as the repairing of the roads, results in additional energy expenditure somewhere. As a result, the company’s carbon footprint grows more with each movement.
3. Reducción del consumo de energía
Speaking of energy, the amount of energy used by a shipper reflects its logistics sustainability. If a shipper opts for a faster mode of transportation with a greater cost to the environment, the consequences could easily outweigh the benefits. This is the great conundrum of the transportation industry. The fastest option is not always the most efficient, yet the most efficient option is usually the fastest.
It really does not seem like it makes sense, but by making small changes in the amount of energy used across the board, from loading to packaging to transporting multiple parcel shipments to go via the LTL mode, a company can get products delivered on time without increasing the carbon footprint. Obviously, some customers will continue to expect immediate or priority delivery. However, shipping a single item is inefficient. Shipping multiple items by consolidation could be less damaging than shipping 20 different items in 15 different trucks across multiple states. Essentially, the less time must carry a savings equal to or greater than the cost of using the less efficient method.
4. Alineación con las medidas y regulaciones de los gobiernos
Depending on your company’s location, you could face many different environmental regulations and statutes for the production and shipment of your merchandise. If you fail to achieve logistics sustainability, i.e., using logistics to support a certain level of sustainability, by a specific degree, you could be on the hook for fines, penalties, and additional criminal or civil consequences. Government-driven regulations have a basic goal of ensuring future generations the resources to survive, and you have a share in this responsibility. Not only will you save money by achieving sustainability in shipping costs, you can avoid these potential consequences.
5. Despertar la conciencación entre los consumidores
Consumers are becoming more conscious about the type of products they buy and how the respective sellers operate. The modern world and social media has made sharing information about a company’s activities part of the lives of millions of customers, and your company’s image depends on your honesty and role in achieving a sustainable future.
A few poor decisions could lead to massive backlash and boycott across social media channels, and your business could fail. By using a carrier or 3PL focused on logistics sustianability and optimization with proven sustainability practices in place, you can help minimize the scrutiny of your operation and improve public perception of your company. Across geographic and political barriers, customers are gaining more knowledge about how your company operates.
Sustainability seems complex, yet it’s simply taking today’s actions and improving them to ensure plenty of resources for the future. Many logistics sustainability measures may require significant investment; however, the rewards will exceed the costs. Your customers will view your company with trust, and millennials will play a significant role in this process. Authoritative organizations will not hand out penalties for violating environmental codes, and your business will thrive if you follow a path to sustainability. Customers have an affinity for protecting the world for future generations, and your brand has affinity for gaining more customers. Can you afford not to become a partner in achieving a sustainable world?